Sunday, 3 May 2015

BEDM Day 3 - Self Care Sunday

I must confess to not knowing what was meant by Self Care Sunday. Google to the rescue!

I hadn't got anything planned to nourish my soul today but luckily I was able to find an activity that I enjoy and that calms me no end.


I know, I know, I'm a grown woman and what am I doing colouring in pictures? Well I spent some time looking for a calming activity I could do which wouldn't prove too taxing. Someone suggested colouring, something I'd not considered myself. Amazon came up trumps with a couple of books and I looked out my coloured pencils and got stuck in.

There's something very soothing about sitting and colouring a picture. Choosing which colour to use, slowly filling in the blank paper and watching a pretty picture emerge. I have very limited artistic skills so drawing was never an option for me and colouring is perfect. I only need a few minutes of colouring to feel calm and still in my mind.

I think it's really important to find something which helps to nourish you as a person. It needn't be an artistic or creative activity - a walk by the river in the sunshine works as well for me. Life in the C21st can be really busy and stressful. I'm the worst culprit at putting undue pressure on myself. So I need to have some activities that take me out of myself and give me a little peace and stillness to recover.

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