Sunday, 16 August 2015

Word of the Week - Organisation

A fairly boring word from me this week.

This past week stuff has run away from me again. Despite all my best intentions I have found myself falling behind with everything. So this week's word doesn't sum up the week that's past so much as highlight what has been missing and what I need to address next week. It's not as if I've not got enough planners to help me!
So here's hoping that I can get everything back on track next week and chose a more thrilling word for my next #WOTW!


  1. I hate it when my organisation goes out of the window, I like to be on top of things! Here's hoping next week's better for you then x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. I'm no good at being organised but I'm striving to be better. It's a good excuse to buy another planner!
