Friday, 7 August 2015

Word of the Week - Hydration

Hydration is a strange word to choose I know but for the past few weeks I've been focussing on improving my hydration as part of a fitness regime I'm on.

I was horrified 3 weeks ago to discover that I was only 35% hydrated. I thought I drank plenty during the course of the day and never really felt dehydrated. I was told that to get my hydration levels up to healthy levels I'd need to drink 4 litres of water a day! That's about a bucket full...

This past week I've been monitoring my water intake for my trainer and have been making a conscious effort to drink water throughout the day and limit the amount of tea I drink as it can act as a diuretic. So far I've improved my hydration by over 1%  in 3 weeks so things are moving in the right direction.


  1. Good luck! It does seem keeping hydrated is a challenge in itself. I love leaving lemon in water for a bit more variety but have good days and bad days in terms of too much coffee too! Hope you find a balance that works for you.

    1. Thanks for the tip about lemon Debbie, I shall try that out to ring the changes. Fingers crossed that I can stick to it!

  2. I am terrible for drinking enough.....
    Good luck x

    1. It's a case of getting into the habit I think Kim. So far so good in my case but some days it is a struggle. Thanks for leaving a comment!

  3. It is hard to do, isn't it? I only really drink water all day anyway, yet I still don't manage to drink enough to keep my fully hydrated, apparently - I worry that increasing it will just see me on the loo all day! Best of luck with yours, thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. There are moments when I think if I drink anymore water I'll drown! But I live in hope that I'll reach a healthy level of hydration and drinking more will have become a habit. Thanks for commenting!

  4. Gosh, that's scary to think you were so dehydrated. Still, I think that's probably typical for many people especially in this weather. I drink lots of water but I have no idea what level my hydration levels are!
    Best of luck with the training and the rehydration

  5. It can be so difficult to it but once you change habits I am sure it will get easy for you X
