Today's task was to write a list about something. I chose one from the suggested ideas and here is today's contribution - it's not very interesting!
List of pet hates /irritations
Rudeness - it takes no time at all to be polite and it can really make someone's day.
People not saying please or thank you - I was brought up to say these and I am appallled when people don't say them. Maybe I'm of an older generation but I think it's important to acknowledge when someone has done a service for you.
Unkindness - why must folk be unkind to others? Does it make them feel big or clever? It's a mystery to me. A little kindness goes a long way.
Thoughtlessness - again I don't understand this one. A moment to consider the other person and everyone feels happy and valued.
Litter - so much mess, such lack of consideration for the environment. Again, I was brought up to take my litter home or find a bin. I couldn't drop anything on the floor.
Bigotry - this one has surfaced big time recently. I wish everyone could listen to the other point of view, acknowledge it and move on. We don't have to agree but we can all respect the other viewpoint.
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