Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Are you too fond of backstory?

Are you too fond of backstory?

Take a character, imagine their sex and age but keep them nameless. Imagine they wake up in bed having lost their memory. Write what happens next.

Woman, 51.

She threw the blankets off, struggled to unwrap her left leg from the sheet and sat up. Eyes wide, she scanned the room. Square, green walls, tired curtains. Where was she?
The bed creaked as she swung her legs over the side. The air was cold, a draught blew from under the door and something was scratching the door panel. As she placed her feet down they brushed against a faded pair of slippers. She carefully slipped her feet in, they fitted but felt wrong. She pulled her feet out and stood, feeling a tightness across her belly. The floor was cold, wooden and unpolished. Nothing looked familiar and still that scratching at the door.
Resting her hand on the brass knob at the bottom of the bed she shuffled towards the door. The handle was porcelain and cool to her fingers. She took a deep breath and reached out.

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