When I was small I was always told by well meaning relatives that I'd really grown since they last saw me. I was rather perplexed by this. How was I supposed to not grow? It was something I had no control over, it happened without my knowledge or help. Luckily I managed to avoid growing pains that plagued some of my friends.
'Grow' was such a positive word. I was growing up - not just physically but also in personality, spirit and character. Being grown up was something wonderful, something to be looked forward to. Even being told I would grow into a too large school blazer was positive, looking forward to a time when I was more mature, more grown up.
As an adult grow seemed to have different connotations . I was exhorted not to let the grass grow under my feet, to decide what sort of life o wanted and get on with it - education, career, family; all must be decided upon and acted upon with haste. After all time was marching on, biological clock ticking and all that. I also had to be mindful that money didn't grow on trees and i'd better make provision for the future. Before long I realised that in certain circumstances absence didn't make the heart grow fonder, it merely pointed out that certain people didn't have a place in my life or my heart any longer.
But now that I'm older grow is a scary word. It brings mortality to mind as I grow old gracefully, or try to. Growing old is generally something to fear, a time of endings, a time of loss. Something I have to grow accustomed to I guess. It's also a time when I have to grow a thick skin, learn to take all that age throws at me and live with it.
But I hope there are also things I never grow out of. Things like getting over emotional at books and films; things like getting over excited about kittens and birthdays; things like a childish love of pink and sparkles. I might have no choice about growing older but I certainly have no intention of always acting like a grown up!