Tuesday, 17 March 2015

What I'm Writing

Intentions were good this time last week. I fully intended to write something everyday, to live the dream!

Of course that didn't happen. I wrote blog posts which I suppose counts as writing although it's not what I meant by writing something everyday.

However, I have done a fair amount of mental writing. This is what I call all the planning and pondering that goes before any meaningful writing. I always worry that I haven't thought things out enough when I start to write, then everything peters out as it has no direction. All my mental writing has been frustrating as nothing substantial has made it on to paper.

So I think I need more direction, focus even before I can produce anything. Maybe that's why I usually manage to get something written for The Prompt linky. Today I have to go into Oxford so I'm using this opportunity to visit the Ashmolean. I'm going to look at some pictures and try to use them as prompts for a little short story or poetry writing. Next week I may have something more substantial to share!


  1. It is so tough juggling it all isn't it? I find I have to prioritise working on the novel over the blog else I don;t think I'd get anything done. But then I just feel guilty for not doing more blogging! Ho hum... Good luck with getting those ideas down on paper this week! x

  2. I'm rubbish at prioritising but I must make more of an effort!

  3. Blogging is a funny beast - it IS writing and I find having a blog helps me with my other writing goals... but at the same time it's such a distraction from writing other things! Tsk. Still, mental writing is good too and hopefully some of those words will start appearing on paper soon! Good luck!

    1. Thanks for that Maddy. It's sometimes hard to sit down and just write. I'm hoping to schedule some writing time this week and let nothing distract me - fingers crossed!

  4. Oh, I haven't been to the Ashmolean in years. Definitely a good idea to make use of your own prompts. I find making more creative type posts for my blog does help my overall creativity, but it's taken me some time to feel confident to start doing this.

    1. I'm finding that if I don't have some prompt or fixed idea I struggle to get any meaningful writing done. The visit to the Ashmolean was lovely, I mainly stuck to the pictures this time round but I've got something to work with at least. Thanks for the comment!

  5. Hopefully you were inspired today. Good luck with the writing goals next week.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Nicola. The trip to the Ashmolean was very helpful, I think there are a few ideas bubbling under. Watch this space!

  6. I agree with Maddy that blogging IS writing. Being able to be creative with short things is great and you're right that the longer projects are a lot harder. I've found that writing ideas on post-its and then organising them helps but for me, my story morphs as I go along. Good luck with the writing. Hope the trip was helpful. xx

    1. The trip was very helpful so watch this space for something constructive! Thanks for leaving a comment.

  7. Hope your trip went well and you've had a couple of productive weeks. There is a feeling of indulgence and guilt that comes both with writing and not writing. I don't think we can win either way!
