Friday, 5 June 2015

The Prompt - To be a... (Letter to Elena)

Dear Elena,

I have followed your journey with great interest, read about your joy at finding out about your pregnancy and I have loved hearing about your excitement every time you went to a scan. As your little Pea developed you've shared each step with your friends through Twitter and we've squealed with delight when you told us you were expecting a boy.

Then you went quiet and I missed your cheery tweets and news. I carried on with my life, planning to revamp my blog and looking forward to my holiday.

At last a tweet, but it was vague; promising to come out of hibernation soon. I guessed that you'd been struck down with the summer bug that has laid so many low and waited patiently to hear how you were.

But it wasn't a summer bug. Your last scan had thrown up some problems and you had all been through a terrible ordeal. Luckily the doctor's first diagnosis was incorrect and you can look forward to welcoming you little Pea soon. You now know that he's a Downs baby and that means things have changed. Your message shines with the love you have for him and all you Twitter friends know you'll be a fabulous mum.

We all try to send you positive vibes and love through our Twitter messages but somehow that always seems inadequate. I want to reach out with a real hug rather than *hugs* but I have to make the best with what I have. I want to spend an age with you, helping you to come to terms with your new circumstances and offering my friendship and support. I want to tell you about the wonderful support that is out there, the friendships you'll make with other parents in the same position as you, the unconditional love and joy your little boy will bring you. It's so hard through the Internet but I hope you know that many people are thinking of you all and rooting for you at a time when it must seem that life has given you a mighty thump.

But most of all I wish I could be a better friend to you, even though we've never met.

All my love to you.



  1. A very touching letter. The internet is an odd thing - we find ourselves caring so much about people we've never met. It's lovely though and although I know it sometimes feels like you can't do enough, my guess is that it makes a difference to Elena to have the support. x #theprompt

    1. Thanks Maddy. I feel as if I know all my internet friends so well yet might struggle to find them in a crowd, isn't that weird?

  2. Such a lovely letter, though sad because of the nature, it is full of support and kindness.

    1. Thank you Nicola. It's a sad time but also happy - Elena will be a smashing mum!

  3. Beautiful, beautiful letter so full of love for someone, whom you have never met but feel a connection with. The internet is a wonderful thing in that it let's us touch lives of people would we otherwise never have known - I met Elena's step dad via the internet. Thank you Jo for such a beautiful letter.

    1. Thank you Shelagh. I do feel a real connection with my Twitter friends. Maybe one day I'll get to meet up with some of them ...

  4. A lovely heartfelt letter; online friendships are such a wonderful source of support through difficult times x

    1. Thanks for your comment Lisa. Online friendships are new to me but they do feel real, just like face to face friendship.

  5. Beautiful and heartfelt letter..
    You sound like a wonderful friend. X

  6. This is such a beautiful letter, our online friends are such an important source of support and I'm sure your friend appreciate all the thoughts that are being sent her way x Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt x

  7. A lovely lovely, heartfelt letter. It's a funny thing the tinterweb and the online friends we make. Its as if we know them, and we often do, more than friends we see everyday. I hope your friend reads your letter and can find the comfort and support you are offering her xx
