Sunday, 22 February 2015

Word of the Week

This week's WotW flows naturally from last week when I thought about the convenience of using ready meals and whether it was a false economy. So this week  my word is

Last week I set myself a challenge of not using any ready meals for a week. I was concerned about how lazy I had become, relying on pre-prepared meals more and more. The size of some of the portions also surprised me when I actually stopped to look at them, small even for one person yet stating it was 2 portions.
So on Monday I headed for the supermarket clutching my shopping list with a week's worth of meal plans whizzing through my brain. Luckily most of the things on my list were in stock and I awaited the delivery with baited breath.
Without boring you with all the details, I made it! Every meal in this house last week was prepared from scratch. I confess that my lunch time soup was from a tin - I've never made soup in my life (bad, bad, bad) and I didn't want to set myself up for a fall so I leant on Heinz who've been making soup for a while and are rather good at it!
What I did discover is that, with a little planning, I can cook a fresh meal every day. I don't need to use pre-prepared meals and I didn't melt down at any stage. Being a stay at home bod obviously helped - I think I'd have found it more of a struggle if I'd had to put in a full day at  the office, needing far more planning and doing things the night before.
I now intend to carry on with this way of cooking, I really enjoyed it and I hope my family did too - not that they've commented, probably haven't even noticed! I'm also hoping to branch out and try out some new dishes - last week was relying on my old faithfuls rather than new and untried recipes.
So a big pat on the back for me and here's a hearty goodbye to ready meals. Although I might slip the occasional pizza into the trolley!      


  1. Well, I think the occasional pizza can't hurt! Well done, you, glad you enjoyed it, too :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. I'm glad you agree! I'm so pleased with how it went that I'm sticking with it.
