Work With Me

Friday 26 February 2016

The Prompt - Control

I'm falling, out of control.
There is nothing to catch me, nothing to hold me up. Everything I thought I knew, all the certainties of life are gone. They went when you left.
I'm too old to be an orphan yet that is what I am. The twin anchors of my life have gone. I'm not the first this has happened to, I'm not alone in this but it feels as if I'm totally and utterly alone. Bereft and alone.
The time for tears has passed yet I still feel on the verge of weeping at unexpected moments. A word, a phrase, a memory, all have the power to upset and unnerve.
While you were here with us, you were the control in our lives. We came to you for advice, for support. We came to you to share our joys and happiness. We looked to you for guidance and knew you would exert the control we needed.
Now I am adrift, I'm falling and out of control. How do I manage, how do we manage without you? 


  1. Joanne, I am wiping away the tears that have sprung unintentionally after reading your poem - it touched my heart - how beautiful - how sensitive. Thank you :) Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Thank you for such a wonderful comment. I'm glad that this post touched you (sorry to make you cry though)

  2. Oh Jo, I'm so sorry. This is beautiful and so full of emotion, wonderful writing. Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt x

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment, Sara. Don't feel sad for me though; this is old news, 15 years old but it seemed like an appropriate emotion to mine for this prompt.

  3. Thanks you for sharing this emotional and honest post! I'm sure it wasn't easy to write.

    1. It was a challenge but sometimes it's good to get things out, no matter how low they make you feel at the time. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, Jenny!

  4. This is so beautifully written and I really do feel for you. I worry about this, about losing my mum and as a result, control. I am thinking of you. #ThePrompt

    1. Thank you for your kind words Victoria. It was a tough time but now the memories are all positive and happy. Although it seems that Mum is still living in my head, as that annoying, sensible voice that tries to stop me doing fun stuff!

  5. Beautiful post so wonderfully written, sending strength x

    1. Thank you Becky. Some things are hard to write about but need to be faced from time to time.
