Work With Me

Wednesday 2 March 2016

What I'm Writing - Patreon

This week I finally got round to setting up my Patreon page. I'm brimming over with enthusiasm due to all the planning I've been doing and it seemed like the perfect time to see if Patreon had anything to offer me.

It took me a while to get used to the setup and there were a few hiccups when I misunderstood what I had to do - step forward my tech wizard son! So now I have a page where people can pay me to produce content and where they can follow the progress of the novel I'm planning.

So far nothing to report. I'm not sure if it's possible to see how many 'looks' my page has had in the way I can on the blog so I'm not even sure if it's been noticed. Now I need to publicise the page and drive a bit of traffic to it - never my strongest suit but it has to be done.   I also need to produce some content for the page so that the potential patrons can see what I can do - might copy some of the things from this blog over to give a taste of my style.

Let's see if this Patreon idea works for writers in the way it seems to for gamers and visual artists.


  1. Well done for taking the plunge! Have just been over to take a look and I can see how it might be a tougher 'sell' for writers than visual artists who would be able to fill the space with attention-grabbing pictures. I'll be interested to see how you develop it to create that attention grab with words - sure it can be done and you have lots on your blog to use! Good luck! Thanks for linking to #whatImWriting

    1. I agree that visual artists seem to be the target for this but as they say, nothing ventured. I'm hoping to drive some traffic there, I'm planning how to do this now so we'll just have to wait and see if I can make a success of it.

  2. That sounds really interesting ... Will look forward to hearing how you get on. #whatimwriting

    1. It's certainly an interesting concept so we'll have to see how I get on!
