Work With Me

Friday 26 February 2016

Word of the Week - Professional

Now I know what you're thinking - that's an awfully grown up word for Johanne to choose as her WotW, she's usually a tad frivolous, isn't she?

Well for a change I'm trying to be more professional. I'm trying to approach my writing like it's a proper, mature thing that I'm doing rather than a hobby.  I've long harboured the dream of writing a book, a real book written by a real writer. But I've done nothing serious about writing it. I've thought about it, dreamed about it and even had a few half hearted attempts at writing something of length and substance. But I've always failed, run out of steam before getting to the end (or even the middle if I'm honest).

So I'm changing the way I do things. I have an idea to work with, I'm doing some serious planning so I know exactly where the story is going, I'm not rushing straight into writing without knowing how things are going to turn out. If I'm going to be a writer then I need to approach it seriously, as if it matters to me and is important.

So there we are. I'm trying to be more professional as a writer.  No, strike that. I am being more professional, I am being a professional writer. If I say it often enough I will start to believe it!



  1. That's a good advice actually, one I've heard many times before. Seeing writing as a job, should give us all a prod to do it well (like what we would aim to do as paid work) :)

    1. It's so easy to 'play' at writing and that's started to frustrate me lately so I'm trying to leave the 'play' behind and act like the writer I want to be. Thanks for your comment, Dean.

  2. Great word, very positive and 'professional' of you! Best of luck with the writing x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Thanks Jocelyn! I'm hoping that deciding to be more professional will do the trick ...

  3. Wishing you the best of luck! Great word!
    Have a fab weekend x

    1. Thanks Kim! A bit of luck is always gratefully received.

  4. That really good advice, wishing you lots of luck! I think a change in mindset can have a really profound effect on how we see things and ourselves!

    1. I'm hoping that's what will happen to me... Fingers crossed!

  5. I like your style Joanne! Think positively, become that person in your mind and you will be that person. Good luck with taking your writing to a more professional level and keep up the positive thinking.


    1. Thank you Debbie! I'm rather old to change but nothing ventured, eh?

  6. Your WoTW makes you sound very determined, very sure of yourself. Go for it! The more you say it out loud (or right it down on your blog) the more you'll get there. My mother always says the best things start with a good plan, so best of luck

    1. I'm with your mother - if I don't plan then I get nowhere!

  7. Well I'm a firm believer of having a plan, and this sounds a fab plan. Good luck! #wotw

    1. So many people telling me that planning is the way to go. I'm coming round to there way of thinking! Thanks for the comment, Steph!
