Work With Me

Friday 8 January 2016

The Prompt - New

The Thrill of the New
New Year, new me,
A bright future planned.
Intentions good, a firm resolve,
The thrill of the new.
New Year, new me,
Goals set, recorded and shared.
Me time planned and scheduled,
The thrill of the new.
New Year, new me,
Positive and focused anew.
A healthy feeling, long in coming,
The thrill of the new.
New Year, new me,
Blossoming confidence to nurture.
Time to achieve, time to evolve,
The thrill of the new. 


  1. I love how focused and positive this is, full of opportunity! New is exciting :) Thank you for sharing with #ThePrompt x

    1. Thanks Sara! I'm grasping the nettle and am determined to get some 'proper' writing done this year - as long as the muse is feeling helpful!

  2. I love your positivity through all of your words. Lots of great things to look forward to :) #theprompt

    1. Thanks Victoria! I'm struggling to get used to all the positive vibes but, hey, let's ride that wave while I can!

  3. That resonates with me very strongly. That last verse is wonderful - time to achieve and evolve is what I am aiming for too x #theprompt

    1. Thanks for leaving a comment, Vai. I hope you manage to evolve and achieve as well, we can share each other's successes!

  4. A lovely positive start to the year :) Sorry I'm so behind in commenting!
