Work With Me

Friday 8 January 2016

Word of the Week - Resolve

Well after the blogging holiday over Christmas and the setting of some writing goals it was inevitable that I would choose a word that consolidated my intentions for the New Year.

I decided against setting resolutions this year. I usually make them with good intentions on January 1st and by February I've forgotten all about them. So this year I decided to just set some rather woolly intentions - being kinder to myself, having a little adventure each month for example - and I hope I'll feel better about myself by the end of the year.

However my writing goals are more rigorous and hence my #WOTD is 'resolve'. In order to succeed with them I need to use all my resolve. I want to get into a more regular writing habit, writing something daily would be ideal. However, in order to do this I have to resolve to stop watching day-time TV. I know, I know - why am I wasting time watching trashy day-time TV? I don't tend to turn the TV off after we've watched the Breakfast TV headlines in the morning and I get sucked into programmes that I don't need to watch (Jeremy Kyle?!?)

So I resolve to turn the TV off each morning and do something more productive instead. If I can't bear the quiet I'll stick on a CD! But I will move away from using the TV as 'chewing gum for the eyes' and use my time better.    


  1. Oh, you do sound determined! Great word to kick the year off with, I do hope your writing habit forms quickly, as it's often easier to stick to it then, I think x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. I'm just hoping that the determination lasts longer than my resolutions tended to! Thanks for your comment, Jocelyn.

  2. What a fantastic attitude to start the new year with! Good luck! x

    1. Thanks Kim! I'm feeling very positive, which is odd for me, so here's hoping it lasts!

  3. Fab word - and you do well to get to February before forgetting resolutions ;) And the TV is just so addictive but one that makes you so unproductive isn't it? Good luck x #wotw

    1. I agree, Steph, the TV is the worst fro sucking time out of my day. Tomorrow is my first switch off day so I've got my fingers crossed for no cold turkey!

  4. Best of luck getting more into your writing habit, you do sound like you have a strong resolve and really ready to achieve your goals. Best of luck with you - I'm sure you'll get there!

    1. I'm feeling supper determined, Tracey. Now all I have to do is make it a reality - fingers crossed!
