Work With Me

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Where Is My Inspiration Going To Come From?

So I sorted out my writing goals and steeled myself to turn the trashy TV off - ok I had a bit of help from an officious son who confiscated the remote! - and I've sat down to write something for the past two days only for writer's block to strike!

How ironic is that. Time set aside to write, guilt firmly put behind me and nothing pops into my head. Absolutely no inspiration, not even the faintest whiff of an idea. I read through the writing prompts I have stored on the laptop for such an occasion but still nothing came to mind.

The frustration is palpable. I'm so cross I could swear. And yet ...

Surely this is only a minor bump in the road. Finding it hard to write anything for two days isn't the end of the world after all. I'm only just embracing my serious writing mojo so it's only to be expected that the Muse will take some time to arrive - probably caught up in the roadworks on the bypass!

However as soon as I sat down to write this blog post I had an idea for a little throw-away piece of nonsense. Wouldn't you know it? I want to moan about not having any inspiration and then inspiration arrives. 

So I'm now hoping that by not obsessing about not being able to write anything I'll get something done at last. Overthinking - always one of my faults. I can talk myself out of almost anything by overthinking it. So now a cup of tea and the first glimmer of a poem is brewing.


  1. This happens to me all the time! As soon as I have the time to think, my mind goes blank :) But like you, as soon as I stop thinking about it, inspiration often strikes. Looking forward to reading your next piece!

    1. It's so annoying though. I always worry that I'll never have an idea again - how daft is that?

  2. I'm reading 'the War of Art' by Steven Pressfield at the moment and he talks all about what he calls 'Resistance' which is basically the part of ourselves that fights to thwart our creative endeavours. I have a hunch that from his perspective, your inspiration going on a hike rather than sitting on your shoulder would be Resistance hard at work! Just when you're really making an effort you feel you can't progress. Totally normal - happens to us all but has to be fought against... which you have done by being inspired again! Well done! I've just read Nicola's #whatImWriting post and your response to it, and I think free writing from a prompt could be a good option. I think I'm going to try it myself. It's so easy to psyche ourselves out when we're trying to create something perfect or finished! I also find blogging about writing very useful in kicking down the block, if only because it gets me writing again. Thanks for linking to #WhatImWriting and keep up the good work. x

    1. Thanks for giving me some much needed perspective Maddy. That blank piece of paper becomes so all encompassing doesn't it? It's all you can focus on. I've given the first writing prompt a go and it's so freeing - I didn't have to wait for inspiration, just write!

  3. Writer's block is so frustrating... I find that just writing something - anything - helps. So either using a prompt, or just writing random words, or having a conversation with yourself on paper about your lack of ideas... Once you've got rid of the blank page I reckon it gets way easier to carry on! x

    1. I agree about the frustration - I could tear my hair out sometimes! However, you're quite right that the only way to deal with it is to just write. Ironic isn't it?

  4. That happens to me to plus I am always procrastinating with a million other thoughts in my head stopping me be creative. Glad you've got over your bump.
