Work With Me

Friday 25 October 2013

Excuse the rant ...

I'm feeling rather fed up at the moment.

Yesterday I had an interview for an LSA position at a secondary school.  The day went well, I interviewed as well as I ever do (I'm often so nervous I gabble and get tongue-tied) and at the end of the process I felt reasonably confident that I stood a good chance.  There were 4 people interviewed for 2 posts so I thought even the odds might work in my favour.

Well, surprise surprise at 3.30 I got the 'Thanks but no thanks' call and that was that.  Even being told that I was a strong candidate and they wished they had 3 posts to offer didn't really soften the blow.  I should be getting used to this now but I have a habit of planning how life will pan out when I start my new job so it always comes as a huge disappointment.

So I pose the question 'Is it possible for a 50something ex teacher to get a job?'

There are a limited number of vacancies I can go for - I don't drive, I'm not a plumber & I can't programme a computer; I have no experience of administrative work or being a receptionist so although I apply for those jobs I'm almost sure the applications get binned on arrival.   It's very difficult and frustrating - I want to get a job but feel that I'm running out of options.  I have experience and I'm willing to try my hand at most things (no sky diving, bungee jumping or fire eating!) so what do I have to do?  I've even considered advertising myself on the Internet (I don't know how you  do that by the way!) but there must be a role out there for me.  Mustn't there?

1 comment:

  1. You could try getting yourself on Linkedin. Most recruiters look on there first when they have a vacancy. I also get calls from people finding my cv on Reed.

    Hope you find something!
