Work With Me

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Blog Everday In November.

Not content with going for NaNoWriMo again this year, I've signed up to post something on my blog everyday in November.  I'm hoping that this will spur me into getting this blog ticking over again.  I also hope that the act of blogging each day will become a habit & I can be a better blogger.

We've finally dug out the old camera so I'm hoping to get out & about taking pictures to share on the blog - while waiting for the bank to open I saw a fantastic shot of the Town Hall that I hope to go back & shoot.

So the countdown to daily logging & daily novel writing begins, I wonder why I get myself into these things & I try not to panic over the coming interview - didn't I mention that?  On Thursday I have an interview for a job as a Learning Support Assistant - wish me luck!!

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