Work With Me

Friday 1 November 2013

Introduction on Day 1 of BEDN

Well here we are, 1st of November, my Mum's birthday & I'm starting blogging everyday during this month.  I have no idea what I'm going to talk about - those who know me in real life will be shocked that I might have this difficulty, it's normally getting me to shut up that's the problem!

So today is Introduction Day.  I'm Johanne, 55 and counting, originally from Birmingham but now living in Abingdon (the clues in the title of the blog!)  I moved here in 1997 when my husband changed job and have ended up living a few miles from the village where my mother was born & raised.  That felt like a homecoming & I have spent some time researching my family tree since moving to Oxfordshire - my maternal family grandmother's side didn't tend to stray from the county so I guess that means I have deep roots here; my paternal family are more scattered - maybe hey had itchy feet!  I keep meaning to sort out all the names and get some structure to the story but that's for the future.

I'm currently looking for work but finding it very difficult - maybe I'm getting too old!  By training I'm a teacher and have had some lovely & interesting experiences in schools.  I enjoy working with young people and that's what I'd like to do as a job but, as I say, it's proving difficult at the moment.

As well as blogging every day in November I am attempting NaNoWriMo again.  This is National Novel Writing Month which involves writing a 50,000 word novel in a month!  Sounds daunting and by gum it is!  Last year I got to the half way point in words but was no where near writing 50,000!  I'm hoping to be more disciplined this year and succeed - who knows I may even publish!

I'm also knitting for a film about WW1 - I think I have a pattern and yarn sorted out so at some stage I'll have to put down the spring top I'm currently knitting and knit my way back to the 1910's.  Vintage patterns are a challenge and I'm pretty sure that I will spend some time tearing my hair out over it but there is a lovely community on Ravelry to support me through it!

Does that all make me sound crazy-busy?  Some days it feels like it!

Well, that's me!  Look forward to reading some of the other BEDN contributions over the month and reading any comments on my blog - may even make some new friends ...

Blog Every Day in November badge


  1. Hey Johanne, lovely to meet you! And welcome to #BEDN

    I'd love to see your 1910 knitting, that must be such an interesting challenge.

    Looking forward to reading your posts this month!

  2. Wow knitting for a WW1 film sounds intriguing, can't wait to hear how that's going.
