Work With Me

Tuesday 18 January 2022

What's Next On My Reading List? - #bloganuary


Each New Year I set a number of books to read in the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I usually go rather modest and pick 20 or 25, knowing that's very achievable. No point setting myself up to fail this early in the year!

This year however, I asked my darling sone what number I should set and without missing a beat he said '50'! I took a deep breath and 'Challenge accepted!' So now I have to get through 50 books in 2022...

That being said, I'm on my fourth already so maybe it's going to be ok. To that end I've started by reading slim volumes which can be read easily in two or three sittings. Cheating? Not at all... 😉

So my next book is Quartet in Autumn by Barbara Pam, another slim volume which weighs in at less than 200 pages. I also learned that it was Booker nominated so I have high hopes of a good read.

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