Work With Me

Monday 17 January 2022

What Is A Superpower You'd Love To Have - #bloganuary

 Ah, the old superpowers prompt...

Every time this one comes up I run through all the usual superpowers and one by one I reject them. 

Flying, yes that would be cool. But after a while where would I go? I don't see the attraction of just popping out for a fly around anymore than I understood the attraction of going out for a drive when I was a child.

Invisibility, also cool. I'm quite good at staying 'invisible' anyway and after the thrill of creeping up behind folk and yelling 'Boo!' wore off that's invisibility done.

Super strength might come in useful when I can't get the lid off a jar but there aren't many monsters to vanquish round here so it's got limited appeal.

X-ray vision? Too much information.

Super intelligence? Got that!

But one superpower that I might have use for at the moment is the ability to plan a bloody novel! I've just had a great new idea, uses some of my existing characters and could be super cool but there's a massive plot hole and I've got nothing. So, super novel planning powers please, with a side order of how to get an agent...

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