Work With Me

Monday 7 December 2020

Madge's Musings 7th Day of Advent

 'It's really weird me chatting away here and not knowing if anyone is out there listening. But as long as it don't mean I've lost me marbles I'll keep going for a bit longer.

Do you believe in the power of dreams? I don't usually hold with soothsayers, seers and the like but there may be something in it I guess. As long as you don't think that dreaming about numbers means you're going to get a sudden windfall or that spotting green hat means you'll meet a leprechaun. By the way, if you do meet a leprechaun and he invites you out to tea make sure you get separate bills. A friend of mine got stung for a huge bill when she didn't notice all his mates buying beer and expensive bar snacks while they chatted. Mind you she was trying to sell him the fishing rights on a river that doesn't exist at the time so she should've known better.

So, back to the dream. Last night I woke with cold feet and a dry mouth with the most vivid memory of a dream. I often have great dreams but not the sort that I remember for long after waking. This one was about several people getting ready to move from one home to another. They were packing stuff up, moving furniture and the like. There was an older woman who wanted to go with them but they kept putting her off. She gathered all her stuff in a bundle and followed them to a boat, one of those paddle steamer things but she couldn't get on. As the boat began to move she cursed it and chucked her bundle into the water. I woke up then but something about it seemed important. Maybe I forgot a piece of the story, maybe I remembered it wrong. But it's bothering me today and I'm finding it hard to focus on potions. So I've left the workshop and I'm trying to find that bloody pamphlet about dreams that I picked up on a trip into the mountains. But I did some clearing up some months ago and stuff ain't where I left it.

So, here I am, cross-legged and stiff on the floor with me lap full of papers and dust. It'll take me a few minutes to get going again. Then I'm off to the tavern for a few beers and a pipe. Fancy coming with me? Your round first, mind.' 

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