Work With Me

Sunday 6 December 2020

Madge's Musings 6th Day of Advent

 'How long are you expecting me to do this? I've got other things to get on with you know.

Well, if I must keep going ... Today's been a quiet day. Most taverns have closed and there ain't a market today so most folk spend the day with family. Not a tradition I hold with, not with my family anyway.

I'll tell you something about my family. We don't speak much these days. In fact I can't remember the last time I heard from any of them. Not that I'm much better at keeping in touch so I don't blame them. When Mother died the glue that kept us together peeled apart and we all went our own ways. Father fell into a dark place and none of us could reach him. One day he turned on me and sent me packing. I've been on my own ever since. Got a few friends but no-one really close.

I don't blame him for it, I was very much my mother's daughter and the magic had taken her. He couldn't stand to look at me and be reminded of her. So I left, or more accurately I was kicked out. My brothers stood aside and waited for the dust to settle. I'm not sure what happened next, I was out of the loop see. But when Father died they sold his workshop and that was the end of that.

I see Gilbert when I have occasion to go to the Citadel but apart from a greeting grunt we don't speak. I guess he still feels as Father did. Magic took Mother and I'm a witch so I must be partly to blame for her death.

Nonsense of course. If she hadn't gone to fight in the Great Mage War she'd never have been killed. Obvious. Also obvious, it wasn't nowt to do with me, a small child with no influence over anyone. But grief can make the sanest, kindest of men into a madman. 

Anyhow, that's all I've got to say about that now. Time for a cup of tea, a couple of slices of cake and a snooze before I work out what I have to do next week. So off you pop and leave an old woman in peace.'

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