Work With Me

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Madge's Musings 2nd Day of Advent

 'So, let me get these boots off and I'll tell you what I found out. Blessed if I know why you're interested but there we go.

Market was crowded today, pushing and shoving. Took all the strength in my pointy elbows to get through. Anyway I finally found someone who knew what was going on and over a beer - or three! - I got the story out of him. Seems that some folk came down from the mountains to cause bother, someone got hurt and the Guardian got scared and banned magic. Well that's not a very good explanation so I decided that a trip to the Citadel was the way to get some more reliable information.

Now, I need tea, so you'll have to wait.

Right, where was I? The Citadel, that's right. The problem with getting into the Citadel is that there are guards everywhere. That problem can be made to go away if you know a little magic and a few of the guards. In the basement is a small dining room, good cake and the gossip is first rate. So I found a corner table and listened. Three slices of cake later and I knew what happened.

Mountain people are misunderstood in Lunecaster. Everyone thinks that they're savage and brutal. Truth is, most of them are but they're also great company and master brewers. The best beer I ever tasted was when I went to my cousin Luka's wedding. No hangover either. That side of the family don't come down from the mountains very often but Aunt Bertha has been known to visit. She's the sort of witch I'd love to be, really creative and boy, can she curse. If you ever get cursed by Aunt Bertha you stay cursed. See that doorstop? That was my second, no third cat and it scratched Aunt Bertha. Turned it to stone without even blinking. Great witch.

Anyhow, seems that some of the mountain folk were gathering something on the edge of the forest, disturbed something and there was a huge battle, proper magical one too. Reminded the Guardian of the last days of the Great Mage War and he suddenly banned magic and that's where we are now.

Stupid if you ask me. Not that anyone ever does, old women are invisible these days. Not like during the Mage Wars when crones were valued. So now we're not supposed to do any magic, 'on pain of banishment' according to the posters. And I've got all these potions to finish. So, I may bend the rules a little and hope no-one notices the Veil of Unseeing I've draped over the workshop.'

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