Work With Me

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Madge's Musings 1st Day of Advent

 I wanted to steal an idea from other writers and write a story in episodes over Advent. However, as is often the case with my ideas, I have failed to come up with a good story idea! 

So I thought I'd throw my blog over to the protagonist of my much re-written novel, currently called Lunecaster. She's full of interesting things and thoughts and will have no trouble coming up with something to say. Without further ado, here's Madge.

'Before I start, and I think it's a daft idea anyway, let's get one thing straight. I'm a witch. Now I know that the correct term round here is 'enchantress' but those who know me will tell you that I'm rarely enchanting. I'm a proper down and dirty, messy, murky witch. No pointy hats or cats neither. I prefer a good solid bonnet and cats keep leaving me, probably because I forget to feed them.

I can't imagine what you think I'm going to write, I'm far too busy for literature. These potions won't brew themselves, you know. And don't get smart and tell me to make 'em with magic either! That's a very old joke. 

Things are very touchy round here at the minute. Directives flying from the Citadel every day and no-one knows whether we're coming or going. I'm keeping me head down, don't need no trouble at my age, which is none of your business. I've seen it all before. But this time, I don't know, feels different.

Just so you know, the last directive, signed by the Guardian and the Council of Elders said that magic is now banned in Lancaster. Bloody cheek! I'm off to the market to get the gossip so I'll fill you in tomorrow. Now, where did I put my shawl...?'

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