Work With Me

Sunday 20 December 2020

Madge's Musings 20th Day of Advent

 'One of the downsides of being old is the insomnia. Bloody annoying it is. Now I can nap like a good 'un, close me eyes and I'm away. But at night, in me nightie under lavender rinsed sheets and mountain weight blankets I only manage a few hours and then I'm awake again, mind racing away. So I usually get up, make tea and spent a while thinking up new potions or salves. Good time for a rifle through Mother's notebooks too.

So last night it was normal for me to be fumbling under the bed for me slippers and cursing. I wrapped a blanket round me shoulders and headed for the kitchen. No sooner I've got the kettle on than there's a tapping at the window. I pull the curtain and there's those moon-like eyes and fringe out in the yard. Made me gasp she did but she was so still that there was nothing threatening so I lets her in. This time she agreed to a weak tea, as it's chilly out, and I cut two slices of cake just in case.

The fire was poked into life and we sat on opposite sides of the table and sipped tea. She licked her lips between sips like before and nibbled the cake. I let her settle and watched. Eventually she stopped sipping and sat in silence. I took this to be my cue.

'So, Cecile, what brings you back here in the middle of the night?'

I waited as she seemed to arrange her thoughts before speaking. Everything about her was slow and still. Not like most folk I comes into contact with so it was a refreshing change to wait quietly until she was ready to speak.

'I have need of shelter. I sensed kindness from you today so when I needed somewhere to go I thought of you. I am hunted you see. May I stay?'

She gazed at me, her eyes full of pleading and fear. I have seen fear before, anyone who remembers the Great Mage Wars does. But this was something different, something raw and animal. This girl was scared for her life, really scared.

What could I say? I made up a spare bed, made more tea and she's sleeping upstairs now as I sit and wonder who could possibly be hunting a child like Cecile. Tomorrow is Solstice. I hope the changing of times will bring some clarity.'

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