Work With Me

Saturday 19 December 2020

Madge's Musings 19th Day of Advent

 'Of course it was Sassy banging on the door. Come to let me know what she'd found out. Bought a friend with her, a tall slender girl called Cecile with moon-like eyes peering out from under her fringe. Didn't say a word and wouldn't have tea or beer. Finally got her to take a glass of cordial which she sipped, licking her lips between sips. Odd soul but harmless.

Sassy said that she'd heard from Harold that some more spies were being sent to Grimwise in the next days. Harold's brother, possibly called Addy, was volunteering to go. I snorted and told her what I thought of people who volunteered.

'Biggest bunch of fools ever birthed! Never volunteer fro anything, that's my advice. Only leads to trouble.'

Sassy wittered on for a bit while Cecile sipped and licked. I almost forgot she was there, blending into the shadows. If it weren't for the smell of the cordial she'd have vanished altogether.

I eventually got Sassy to stop talking, promised to visit with some potions next market day and ushered her to the door. As she pinned her second best hat on, feathers still drooping from the rain, Cecile plucked at my sleeve. Her voice was no louder than a whisper but thick and husky.

'Thank you for the cordial, missus. Most kind. I hope we meet again.'

They slipped out into the rain and the door swung closed. I was alone again with my own thoughts. Yet it was as if Cecile had never left. Her presence hovered in the shadows all evening until I closed the door and went to bed.'

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