Work With Me

Friday 22 January 2016

Word Of The Week - Catamaran

Well, that's a strange word! Bear with me, it'll all become clear...

This week I went to the Isle of Wight to visit my mother-in-law, a journey I've taken many times before in the 8 years since she moved there. But usually I go with my OH and we take the car ferry. This time I was going under my own steam so I went on the Red Jet fast catamaran.

Now I don't do water or boats. Anything smaller than the Isle of Wight ferry and I get anxious; after all I'm a land lubber and we don't do sailing! However it made sense to use the fastest method of getting across the Solent so I summoned up all my courage and booked to go by fast cat.

Needless to say I worried about it for a fair while before the journey but I 'manned-up' and got on with it. What a revelation! It was wonderful. So smooth and fast, much better than the old car ferries (much as I love the chance to do some reading on the hour long journey). I loved it! We whizzed across in 25 minutes, no fuss at all.

While waiting for the catamaran I got chatting to a charming gentleman in a wheelchair called Nigel who was heading off to Dublin to stay with his cousin and attend a philosophy conference. We joked about the joys of travelling by wheelchair and the necessity of popping into pubs to dodge the inevitable Irish showers! At Southampton I shared a cab with a lovely lady who was flying off to Vienna to visit friends after we failed to catch the bus into the city. In all my time travelling on the car ferry I've never exchanged a solitary word with another traveller so it was a real joy to chat and have a laugh with my fellow travellers.

So there you are, my Word Of The Week - catamaran; a lovely, civilised way to cross the Solent.    


  1. This all sounds rather lovely! So pleased it was smooth sailing for you and very friendly, too x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. It was a lovely time and I'm so happy that what could have been a stressful time was much better than I anticipated. Thanks for your comment, Jocelyn!

  2. I like finding travel companions, too, it breaks up the journey and you never know who you many bump in to!
    I've only been on a Catamaran once but it made me very sea sick?!!? lol xx

    1. Sorry you felt unwell on your journey - I was worried about sea sickness too but it was such a smooth trip there was no problem at all. I love having a chat with folk I meet during the day and such lovely people too. Thanks for your comment, Tracey!

  3. It does sound rather civilised - looks like it's definitely the way to go :) #wotw
