Work With Me

Tuesday 26 January 2016

What I'm Writing - How did that happen then?

I'm a great one for hiding my light under a bushel and this is especially true when it comes to my writing. I get involved with a few linkies but apart from that I hardly share what I write with anyone.

I set out some writing goals and one of them was to get my writing out there a bit more. So ... I entered a competition! Squeal!

I had a silly little thing on the hard drive that fitted the criteria of the Just Write Monthly Masterpiece competition so I tweaked it and made some adjustments to the word count and hey presto! Away into the big bad world went my writing, all alone and naked. So that's that, I've taken the first leap and I'm not sure how to feel about it.

Now I suppose I need to get cracking on some serious writing - there are other bits on the hard drive that may have potential ...

Writing Bubble


  1. Well done you! Taking that step to put yourself out there is hard, when it goes against your grain. Good luck.

    1. It was really scary but I'm glad I've done it. It feels like a first step in being a 'real' writer.

  2. Good luck with your entry! :)

    1. Thank you Rachael! I have no illusions about winning but just entering was a major plus for me.

  3. Yeah, well done for sending it. You never know. I read an article once that suggested writing for competitions as part of your writing exercises, for instance looking for specific themes and writing along those lines rather than trying to fit what you've already written in to a competition guideline.

    1. Thanks for commenting Nicola. I agree with you about writing for the theme but it was serendipitous that I had an old piece that fitted the theme this time round. I'd never try to shoe-horn a piece to fit! (I might have previously though ...)

  4. Well done! I think it's a big step sending stuff out there - good luck with it and whatever happens, submit more! Thanks for linking to #WhatImWriting

    1. Thanks for your encouragement Maddy. I will keep my eyes peeled for more things to enter and take Nicola's advice about writing specifically for the competition brief.

  5. Well done for sending something out. That's an important milestone. Don't be too hard on your writing though - I'm guilty of this habit too and I'm trying to catch myself at it and stop. I'm sure your story isn't a 'silly little thing' compared with 'serious writing' - you never know who it might touch or speak to, who's life it might change for the better... Good luck with sending out the next (not at all silly) competition entry!

    1. Oh, Rebecca, if only I could be kinder to myself! I'm my own worst enemy, never thinking anything is good enough etc. But I'll try to be better; I'm a work in progress!

  6. Well done! That is brilliant news. For some reason I put it out there without thinking anyone would read - I guess if I thought about it then I wouldn't! Good luck with the entry. #WhatIAmWriting

    1. Thanks Victoria! There was a dangerous moment when I nearly didn't press Send but it's done and dusted now, so time to write more and enter more!
