Work With Me

Friday 11 September 2015

Word of the Week - Reflection

This week I've been doing a fair bit of reflection.

I've been struggling to find any inspiration with my writing. This has happened before but it's still disheartening when it happens. I know that if I obsess about it things won't get any better but that doesn't stop me fretting.

So I've been using the time to reflect on a few things - such as why do I write? It's a complex thing at the best of times but I think the main reason is that I have so many stories inside me that I want to get out. That seems to be at odds with the rubbish writers block I have at the moment but I know that once I get my writing mojo back lots of stories will flow. Some will never see the light of day, stuffed away in notebooks not to be read by anyone; some will be shared on this blog; and some will ferment for a while until they are mature.

So excuse me a little navel gazing but my Muse needed a week off. She'll be back, refreshed and tanned, and then I'll feel more like a writer again.


  1. Reflecting is good, although I think i do rather too much of it!

    1. Oh yes, it's easy to get caught up n it, isn't it? But it can be very useful and I often find it relaxing. Thanks for leaving a comment, Iona.

  2. It's so frustrating when this happens, isn't it? I do agree that taking a break is the best way to get it back. so here's hoping yours will be back soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Thanks for commenting Jocelyn. I have everything crossed that a short break will fire up the creative writing juices again.

  3. Asking ourselves why we write is a great way of getting back to our core. Also having notebooks everywhere to jot down fleeting thoughts is a good idea. #WotW

    1. I agree about the notebooks, Helena. How many times have I had a seed of an idea only to have nowhere to scribble it down! Thanks for taking the trouble to comment.

  4. Hope the reflection helped unblock whatever was blocking it :) #wotw

    1. Thanks for your comment Stephanie. Yes, things are getting clearer after a bit of a break.

  5. Taking a break can be a good way to revitalise and get your mojo back. Best of luck!

    1. Hoping that the mojo is fully recovered after her short break! Thanks for leaving a comment.

  6. Trying to overcome writers block can make it worse I think. You are doing the best thing in taking a break. I hope your muse returns soon x

    1. I agree Louisa. I'm guilty of over-thinking things, then trying to force it and that never works, does it? Thank you for taking the time to comment, much appreciated.

  7. I often have moments like this too and I find a little break always helps me x #WotW

    1. The break is doing me good and I hope to be back bursting with ideas soon. Thanks for your comment!
