Work With Me

Friday 11 September 2015

The Prompt - Change

I'm not good at change. I like things to stay the way they have always been. Routine is important - Monday is shopping and washing day; ironing on Tuesday; Wednesday is a gym day - you get the picture.

I know that change is a part of life. Whether I want it or not. People leave your life who are important to you. Relationships change and evolve. We aren't the same people as we used to be.

Some changes are good. Getting married was a huge change for me. I became part of a couple, I became a wife. A new role to get used to and a new name - good changes. Becoming a mother was a wonderful if bewildering change.  It brought fearful responsibilities and a fierce, protective love. It was a good if sometimes scary change.

Some changes are sad. Losing both of my parents within a few months was a change which I struggled with. There was no one to turn to anymore who would be searingly honest with me. The people who loved and raised me had gone and with them went all their memories of my childhood. I was an orphan in every sense of the word and the only person who could understand was my sister. We navigated the change together and there were tears and laughter in equal measure.

As I get older I am physically changing. Wrinkles, grey hair, aching bones - I hate all these but am trying to embrace them as part of the change of life. There is also 'The Change' as it is quaintly called - that has it's own challenges and most of them I can live without! But I have no choice - my body is changing whether I like it or not.

Change is part of the human condition and much as I hate it, I have to go with the flow. I will try to see the positives in these changes and embrace them. Maybe some good will come of these changes - if only I can let go of the routine a little.


  1. I'm now thinking of all the changes in my life and how I've had to learn to accept them or was overjoyed at them happening.

    1. Thanks for commenting Kriss. Change isn't always easy or pleasant but it's part of life so we have to accept it.

  2. I understand some changes are good and some are hard. I have not yet faced the physical changes of ageing, but my body has changed because of weight gain. That's indeed a tough change, but embracing it is a goal. #theprompt

    1. It takes time to accept some changes, doesn't it? Thanks for commenting Astrid, lovely to hear from you.

  3. 'Change is part of the human condition'. That's it in a nutshell isn't it? I think that we need to embrace changes, the good and the bad. They ultimately make us who we are, however difficult they may be at the time. Having said that, ageing is a change I'm not quite so happy to embrace! Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt x

    1. I agree that ageing is a rubbish change, Sara, but I think we may be stuck with it! Thank you for commenting and for your thought provoking prompts each week.
