Work With Me

Friday 23 May 2014

Word of the Week

This is the first time I've attempted this, so be gentle with me!

The word for this past week is ...


I've come to realise that without loads of organisation I let time trickle by without achieving anything. Since stopping regular employment I have had loads of ideas for things I want to do. The problem is that I have this annoying habit of dithering and faffing about which means that the days float past with gay abandon but without me actually getting down to doing all the things I want to.

So, with great reluctance I have decided that I need to get organised. I need structure in my day to stop me messing about and not getting anything actually one.  I have entered a giveaway to win a planner with TheL's Mum  but I'm determined to sort my slightly chaotic life out.

Even if I don't win a planner - and with my luck it's unlikely - I will organise myself.  My first step is to work out a timetable for myself/  Now I know that this sounds  a bit childish but it will work for me. As a former teacher I feel happy working to a timetable, it keeps me on track and adds structure to my day.  Without structure the day runs away from me!  What a thing for a grown woman to admit, her inability to take charge of her time unless she's written a timetable!  But if it works then ii will embrace it. 

Now all I have to do is resist the urge to buy new stationery to do timetabling with!    


  1. Oh, I have lists (heading towards timetables!) - only way I'd ever get anything done :) Good luck, and it sounds like a good excuse for some new stationary to me :) #WotW

    1. Thanks for commenting, Sara. I'm not sure I'll be able to resist if I see something appropriate in the stationery line! #WotW

    2. moleskine diarys are lush! I suggest you get that =P #WOTW

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I'll try that again! I'm very tempted, pixiedusk, although I'm supposed to be curbing my growing stationery addiction!

  2. Do not resist it - it's futile! I think it's a great idea to timetable yourself, especially as that's what you've been used to. I do lists, a calendar and have a diary, but I'd timetable if I thought the kids would co-operate! Thanks very much for sharing and joining in with #WotW x

  3. Thanks for your comment, Jocelyn. It's going to be sobering to write down what I should be doing - and sticking to it when there are so many distractions (Jeremy Kyle *hangs head in shame* ) #WotW

  4. I'm easily distracted (and happy) from not doing what needs done that I need a list to motivate myself. Embrace the timetable, whatever works for you. #WotW

    1. Thanks for commenting, Mhairi. I'm starting to think that the timetable is the way to go!

  5. Good luck! I am forever making lists which seems to organise me!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Kim. I love lists too but usually find I add lots to the bottom but fail to cross anything of the top!
