Work With Me

Thursday 22 May 2014


About  a billion years ago (OK 2!) I registered to take a MOOC in Cultural & Literary Expression in 18th & 19th Centuries.  Wow, now I've typed it in it's a bit of a mouthful, ain't it?  Needless to say I forgot everything about it until the other day.  I feel that I ought to get round to staring the course but I'm very bad at scheduling things - I go to bed with lots of plans for the following day, wake up full of enthusiasm for what i will achieve then the day quietly slips by in a haze of doing nothing and light faffing about and nothing gets accomplished. 

Now my question is this: 

Should I actually write myself a timetable of things to do on each day so that nothing gets overlooked?  Or would that be too silly?  As a former teacher I'm comfortable and happy working to a timetable but it seems a bit daft to apply that to my life away from school.  Also it rather takes the spontaneity out of life - I rather like being a free spirit!  But the flip side of that is that whole weeks pass by without me accomplishing a tenth of the things I want to do.  And I'm toying with the idea of opening a Folksy shop to sell some of my crafts - if I can't get myself organised I'm going to fail at that and I'm not sure my confidence will recover from that!

So I ask you  - to timetable or not to timetable?  That's a question!

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