Work With Me

Thursday 27 January 2022

What Do I Most Like About Myself? - #bloganuary

Ray Price: Farewell Ray - You Were Priceless and Now, So Are We

As soon as I started to think about this prompt it began to form as a lonely hearts advert. You know the ones: GSOH, looking for love, no time wasters. It's odd to think of myself in those terms and I'm terminally bad at thinking anything nice about myself. But I'm determined to have a go.

I think I'm a kind soul. I try to think the best of people, to see the good in them. Sometimes it's a challenge but it seems easier to do when you meet people expecting positive things. Of course there are people about whom I might struggle to come up with positives but I'm not likely to bump into them so I don't have to worry about politicians here! I like to think that I'm a good friend, someone who my friends enjoy hanging out with, someone who is reliable and steadfast. Gosh, that's an old fashioned word but one which I like to embrace. I'm not flashy, not 'out there' but I'm a safe pair of hands as they say in cricketing circles.

So there you have it. I'm embracing 'nice', 'kind' and 'steadfast'. Rock and roll or what? 

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