Work With Me

Friday 29 October 2021

Reset. And About Time Too!

 Logging on this morning I noticed that I haven't posted anything here since May.

Which is ironic considering that I've come here to explore why I've not been writing very much lately!

So, this writing lark has proved very hard recently. I don't seem able to marshal my thoughts. Everything is muddled and mixed up and unformed somehow. I had an idea for a novel, I had good characters, I had a vague idea of where the story would go. But I couldn't write it. I've managed a few scenes but nothing of any substance. I feel like I've lost my writing mojo.

There's no obvious reason for this apart from all the usual suspects - crippling self doubt, laziness, procrastination of Olympic proportions. None of which helps when I'm trying to work out whether all this is temporary or if it's the Universe telling me to stop kidding myself and give up for good. The defeated writer has left the building ...

However, it's nearly November, NaNoWriMo is here soon so I've resolved to have a reset this weekend and see how I go with a NaNo project. I hope to oil the writing cogs and get this old machine whirring again. 

Bring on the dancing horses!

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