Work With Me

Thursday 5 January 2017

Goals Galore

Now that the New Year rush is over and some resolutions have already been broken I thought I'd take some time to share some of my goals for 2017 with my lovely blog readers.

This year I want to complete and publish my novel. I started writing this as part of NaNoWriMo last year and it has shocked me by turning into a fantasy novel. I have read plenty of fantasy over the years but never considered it as something I would write. I've written bits that may be considered fantasy but never anything of any substance. So I was surprised when this story turned into a fantasy and I enjoyed writing it. So I want to finish writing it, get it read and edited so I can publish it before the year is out. I feel reasonably confident that I can do this, I have already written over 50,000 words and have planned the rest of the story. I also have started to take all the excellent advice of my friends in the What I'm Writing community about not self-editing as I write. This first draft needs to be written before I can start to improve it - after all, you can't edit words that haven't been written!

I also want to improve my blog. I have neglected it recently and I want to use it as a promotional tool for the novel so I need to engage my readers and gain some more. I took a short course looking at improving my blog last year and I have planned lots of posts for this year. Planning is the key I think; I've been far too casual about the blog and it's not going to take care of itself, is it? So I'm hoping to be more active in the blogosphere in 2017 and write some interesting posts.

I have a slightly worrying fitness goal as well. I hope to do a Couch to 5K course this year. I've never been a runner but have always liked the idea of running. Now those of you who know me in real life know that I'm not and never have been the fittest person on the planet. I get the occasional rush of blood when I hit the gym and puff about for a while before I decide that sitting and sipping green tea in the club room is as far as I want to go.  But I'd like to try a 5K run so I'm including it as a goal for the year. Now all I need is to find somewhere  to run where no-one can see me ...

So there are my major goals for 2017. There may be some little ones that crop up as January progresses but those 3 are the main ones I've planned for. So let's see how I get on; wish me luck!

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