Work With Me

Tuesday 6 December 2016

NaNo Winning

I try not to blow my own trumpet but sometimes it has to be done.
After several years of trying I finally won at NaNo! I wrote 50,000 words in November and that is so much more than I've ever managed before. I am mostly happy with what I've written - I know, there will be flaws to discover when I edit but so far, so good. I feel really proud of myself and that's not a feeling I have often.

So what have I learned from all this? The most important thing that I learned was that I can do it. I can sit and write for a few hours; I can put words on the computer and do it all again the next day; I can write and most of what I write is good. There, I said it, I can write well and it's something I enjoy doing. This is a big thing for me so it feels right to celebrate it here.

I also learned that I can write in a genre that is not the one I usually choose. The NaNo novel is a fantasy type novel which is something I have read before but never tried to write. I'm not sure I will write only fantasy from now on but it is interesting to do something different. And maybe that is why I won this time because I was doing something outside my comfort zone and it just seemed to flow.

The last thing I learned is that I want to get better and do more writing. I've always felt a little guilty at putting time aside to write - there's always something else I 'should' be doing, right?  Well now I've decided not to bother with the guilt! I'm a writer so I have to spend time writing. It's not a waste of time, it's what I have to do.

So as the year draws to a close I am still writing the NaNo novel and I intend to complete it. So at some stage I'll start worrying about whether it's any good, how do I edit it etc. Join me on that ride in 2017!

I'm sharing this on What I'm Writing.


  1. Many congratulations. I "won" last year and it nearly broke me so I understand what it takes. I also feel guilty about finding time to write for fun. Good for you for going for it.

  2. Yay good for you! Nano is such a motivator isn't it? Did you finish the story? I'm still going, though I've slowed down a bit in the last week. Not far off the finish line though.

  3. That's such awesome news Jo, blow away, you should be so very proud of yourself lovely. Look forward to hearing more :-) #whatimwriting

    1. Thank you! I am proud, which is a strange emotion for me... but I'm embracing it.

  4. Hooray, that's brilliant news - well done you! It's fab to hear not only that you won Nano but also that you have a new confidence in your own abilities as a writer and a commitment to allowing yourself more time to write. The only way is up! Thanks for linking to #WhatImWriting xx

    1. Cheers Maddy! I can't believe how good it's made me feel and yes, I do feel more confident.

  5. Well done you! Amazing progress. I am envious but so glad for you. It just goes to show what getting on with it can do. Hope it is all still flowing from the fingertips. xx

    1. Thank you Alice. Writing is still going well and I'm loving it!

  6. Congratulations! Such a great achievement - and sounds like as well as getting those 50,000 words down you've really turned a corner in your confidence as a writer, which is awesome. I look forward to following the next stage on your journey! xx

    1. Thanks Sophie! I'm still basking in the golden glow of success; better get some more writing done soon I think!

  7. That is brilliant! Well done Johanne. I have to say that I felt I got better each day of NaPoWriMo. Practice makes perfect I guess :) Sorry I am late with commenting. #WhatImWriting

    1. Thanks for commenting Vic! I must check out NaPoWriMo next year. I agree that the practise and discipline of writing each day is so helpful.
