Work With Me

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Day 1 NaNoWriMo

I don't usually use text speak, even when texting, but OMG! and WTF?
Day 1 of NaNoWriMo over and I'm 1,000 words ahead of schedule, I am totally rocking this writing thing.

Now I know that there will be tougher days ahead but I'm so chuffed with my progress. I went to Worcester to visit my MIL yesterday and got plenty of writing time on the train. If nothing else it has shown me that I can get a goodly number of words written if I'm away from distractions. So I now need to put that into practice when I'm doing the rest of NaNoWriMo - and that may mean turning the TV off! Which is something I hardly ever do as I'm a self confessed Telly Addict ...

I'm also planning on a trip into Oxford for a writing meeting with fellow NaNoers in a posh library that's part of Balliol College. I'm really excited to meet some fellow writers and seeing a part of the University that is usually closed to the public (must be my nosey gene kicking it!)

I hope I can keep reporting great progress this month and that I get a fully formed first draft out of this - I must confess to feeling rather excited at the moment!


  1. It's fab being on a writing roll! Hope you have a brilliant month. Ps love writing on the train, makes me feel rather studious! #whatimwriting

  2. Congrats on the writing progress and good luck with na-no. Maybe I need to make more train journeys lol.

    1. Train journeys are great for focusing the mind -as long as I can drag my eyes away from the view!

  3. Hooray - well done! It's amazing what a bit of distraction-free time can do. Keep it up! Thanks for linking to #WhatImWriting

    1. Cheers Maddy! I'm enjoying it so far and it's going well.

  4. Congratulations on an awesome start! Long may the motivation continue :)

  5. Wow, I'm impressed with you finding time and getting ahead of schedule already. Good for you, starting as you mean to go on. #WhatImwriting

  6. Distraction free writing is the key for me too! I'm not NaNo-ing but I'm trying to be more consistent with my writing and that is definitely helpful. Keep up the good work.
