Work With Me

Friday 14 October 2016

Word of the Week - Fluffy

After a week away I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and WOTW seemed like an appropriate place to start. Thinking of the word for the past week has forced me to sit down and assess where I am at the moment.

This week I have chosen 'Fluffy' as my word. Let me explain: we had a holiday in the sun, a last chance to warm our old bones before hunkering down for the colder months. It was a lovely week in a super resort and I think we both benefitted from the break (even if OH rushed around trying all the fitness classes on offer!) However on the day we went I was ill. Not just a cold but a proper viral collapse, involving passing out at various stages around Gatwick Airport! I was in and out of consciousness for two days and weak and tired for another two - great way to spend the majority of a 7 day holiday! It was ok as I got to sit quietly and read which is one of the main points of a holiday, even if I didn't get to lie in the sun this time around so have very little in the way of a tan.

How does that involve the 'Fluffy' that I have chosen to sum up my week? Well, since we got back I've struggled to get back into the swing of things. My whole brain has felt as if it is made of fluff and my thinking has been fluffy too. The fact that a cold has popped up this morning might explain what is happening - I'm not sure I'm totally over the whatever-it-was I had and the fluffy feeling that has plagued me all week. I've not even managed to get started on a new book, that's how off centre I am!

So here's to clearing the fluff next week, getting back to some sort of routine and feeling more like myself again.


  1. Fluffy is actually a nice word. Makes me think of lovely fluffy socks, warming my feet ;) Hopefully it will be different for you next week. x #wotw

  2. I often feel fluffy! I'm so sorry you were ill for your holiday and i hope you are feeling much better and less fluffy real soon x

  3. Good way to describe that blurry feeling you sometimes get when you just can't get started! I do think the change of weather has a lot to do with it, too!
    Glad you had a lovely holiday and hope you can get back into the swing of things this week

  4. Sorry to hear you were ill on your holiday, glad you still managed to enjoy it. Sounds like the perfect word for you, I know just the feeling you describe. Hope you're back to reading and thinking clearly again soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  5. Oh dear. Being poorly on holiday isn't too good but it sounds like you still enjoyed it.
    I hope you feel better soon x

  6. Hope you feel better soon, take it easy while the fluff remains #wotw
