Work With Me

Friday 8 July 2016

Word of the Week - Writing!

So this week's word was a no-brainer. I've signed up to do Camp NaNoWriMo and so I have been getting into my groove with the novel after a long time leaving it on its own.

I passed the 10,000 word point and that felt really good. I'm not sure how many words the average novel contains but I'm happy to have cracked a major number.

I think I've found my peak writing time as well. I write the best in the afternoon apparently. This came as a surprise to me as I thought I could write at any time. And of course I can but I'm finding that the words seem to flow best in the afternoon. So I've started to get other stuff done in the morning - shopping, ironing etc - then I can write without guilt in the afternoon. 

So that's my week in a word; full of writing! 


  1. Oh wow! Well done! 10,000 words is quite an achievement! Good luck with more writing x

  2. Well done, you! I think it's really useful to understand your best times to work, too, as that should help carry you through. Hope it goes well next week, too x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. Fabulous! I wish you the best of luck, but most of all just enjoy it :)

  4. Always lovely to set yourself a challenge and meet it isn't it. #WotW
