Work With Me

Friday 3 June 2016

Word of the Week - Ennui

I struggled to decide which word to use that summed up my week. Which is ironic given I've chosen ennui...

I've really been struggling with motivation recently. My mojo has gone and I've even lacked the motivation to look for it. This has been especially evident in my writing. To be honest, that's dried up completely. I've written a few blog posts but little else. It's not like writers block though, it's more that I've lost the impetus for writing. It seems like a chore and I'm not sure I've got anything to say at the moment.

Happily I'm off on holiday which I'm hoping will re-charge my batteries and I'll come back having rediscovered my love of writing. Then my poor novel can get moving again and I can get the first draft finished and begin the more interesting business of polishing it.

So here's to sun, relaxation and writing - three elements for a great holiday!     


  1. Sounds like the perfect time for a holiday and I'm sure you'll return refreshed and motivated again - enjoy! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  2. I hope the holiday helps with your writing. Have a wonderful time x

  3. Ooohhh holiday! We just stayed here for the term break so I am so jealous of your trip! Hope you will get your blogging mojo back after it =)


  4. Holiday's sure are wonderful things for recharging the batteries. #WotW
