Work With Me

Tuesday 28 June 2016

It's a starting point ...

So I've spent far too much time this week trying to motivate myself to return to my fledgling novel. The poor thing has been badly neglected and I'd totally understand if it refused to speak to me ever again. But something has stopped me from opening the file and getting on with writing it.

It's not that I've been unable to write anything. I've managed a few poems and some notes and observations in my notebook. So it's not the dreaded writers block that has stopped me.

The issue has been one of confidence again. I was scared to open the file in case what I saw there was rubbish, in case it was bad writing, in case I had written a load of crap with no merit. So I backed away from it, ran away from it and pretended I was going to get round to it tomorrow. Ah, tomorrow, my favourite word. 'I'll do it tomorrow' is a phrase I could have engraved on my tombstone, I'm the Queen of Procrastinators!

But yesterday I decided to grasp the nettle. I dug out my plan and opened the file. All I intended to do was read the last paragraph I'd written and see where I'd got to before attempting a few more paragraphs. At least then I could say I'd done some work on the novel and not put it off until tomorrow.

Guess what? I started to read the first few sections and some of it was good! I mean, it was actually good! Maybe not Booker prize winning good but I was impressed with what I'd written. Sure, there were bits that I know need some work - OK, lots of work - but some of it was good. Wind was officially taken out of my sails and I closed the file with a smile on my face. OK, I didn't write anything to add to it but that will change today. For now it is enough to know that I wrote something that I'm proud of, that I can do it and will do it. This novel is very embryonic but with some commitment and hard work it will become a first draft.

Then I'll start to panic about editing and my lovely, supportive writing friends will kick me into shape again! 


  1. Fair play for opening that file again. It's daunting after a break away. I did the same thing and was pleasantly suprised by my writing. #whatimwriting

    1. Thanks for your comment, Geraldine. It is daunting, isn't it? Thankfully not too bad and a great boost to my writing confidence!

  2. That's brilliant news! You never really know how you're going to fell going back to a MS do you? I usually get a mixture of 'argh that's awful' and 'oh you know what? This is good!' Now keep up the momentum and get writing. Thanks for linking to #WhatImWriting

  3. Well done on grasping the nettle. That's the hard bit done! Now to continue...! All the best, Teika x

  4. Yes, you can! I am guilty of the same thing. I do get afraid of looking back at what I have written but I have to. #WhatImwriting

    1. Always good to hear from The Agent! It's a scarey moment when you have to read your own words but I guess it's all part of being a writer...

  5. I find that the more time I have to think about things the more by confidence demons take control and make me doubt myself - so well done for ignoring them and opening that file! I hope it translates into more writing this week too :)

  6. Hello - what a lovely piece but I have to argue ...I am the Queen of Procrastinators!! I love that you were able to find confidence and pleasure out of re-reading your work. Long may it continue!

    1. Thanks for your comment. I'm learning to re-read my words but it still feels odd - I'm always too close to them. Guess it's a skill I have to perfect.

  7. I am currently struggling to do my writing, and yes confidence has a role for me, as well as time, but my key strategy to keep going is just to move on to another part if I'm not enjoying my current section. Glad the re-reading wasn't as bad as you feared.

    1. It can be hard sometimes. I struggle with the old confidence thing so it's difficult at tjose times when I start doubting myself. We just need to keep on writing and enjoy it!
