Work With Me

Monday 9 May 2016

BEDM Day 9 - Confidence.

Now I don't know about you but I sometimes feel I'm lacking in confidence. I doubt my abilities despite what other people tell me. I'd rather hide my light under a bushel and slink about at the back where no-one can see me. I don't want to put myself forward and I certainly don't want to be the centre of attention.

It wasn't always like that. I used to be the one who leaped onto stage, grabbed the mic and started the communal singing. I put my hand up, had opinions, volunteered, joined in. But that was then and this is now. I've turned into a shrinking violet and that's OK most of the time.

However I'm starting to get more serious about my writing and that means I have to get it out into the world, to test it in the marketplace and see if it's any good. Which means taking a leap of faith, which is scary. I'm not confident in my own ability and if I'm not, who will be?

So I'm trying to slay those doubting demons by submitting some work for publication. Yes, you heard that right. I've sent off a story and it has to sink or swim on its own merit now. Perhaps it will do my confidence some good at the same time ...

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  1. Well done for taking that leap! I totally understand how scary it is. I am confident about lots of things, but standing up and selling myself as a writer isn't one of them. It has taken me three years and (almost) three novels to get to the point where I am thinking I might finally have the guts to go through the whole submissions process properly. It has to be done... Good luck! xx

    1. Thanks Sophie. It's daunting, isn't it, to stick your head over the parapet? I'm trying to do it more regularly but so far it's not getting any easier.

  2. It's funny how the confidence of youth fades isn't it? It's good that you have taken these first steps though. If you want to move on with your writing career, it's going to have to be done. Well done for sending something out. Fingers crossed for you.

    1. Thanks Nicola! I know it has to be done but it's a scary thing all the same. It almost makes it feel real and I'm not sure I'm ready for reality yet ...

  3. Good luck with your submission, well done for going for it! I think it's a moment to be proud of the achievement so far. They do say keep writing when you're submitting...not always easy but sometimes a distraction, and there's always blogging! :)

    1. I always forget to count blogging as writing! I'm trying to keep pushing on but there are days when it's really hard and my confidence is low. Thanks for popping by and leaving a comment.
