Work With Me

Friday 22 April 2016

Word of the Week - Anticipation

As anyone who follows my blog regularly will know (hello! *waves madly*) I've decided to take a media break. A whole 7 days without any media in my life, or very little anyway. Needless to say I've been full of anticipation about this, both in a good way and a not so good way.

I know I can last a week without Twitter and Facebook, I do it every time I go on holiday. I don't use my phone for social media and hardly look at it most of the time anyway so I have experience of being Twitter-free. It's not really that scary after all but as I'm at home for this week I may find it harder. The laptop is just sitting there after all and how bad would it be to switch it on for a moment?  But I'm determined to manage - my son will keep me on track I'm sure, he loves any excuse to boss me about!

I'm more concerned about the no reading clause. I've always got a book on the go and I love losing myself in to a story so I think this may prove to be harder. I finished my book on Wednesday and it felt odd not to start a new one straight away. I may allow myself a little browse to choose the next book; how indulgent to have a whole week to pick a book!

So it's with a sense of anticipation that I enter my week of media free life. Next week's WotW may reflect what has happened to me during it ...   


  1. Good luck, I'll be waiting to see how you get on next week.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Anne, look out for the post about how it went ...

  2. Oh good luck! I know that I could not do it, my blog kind of relies on me doing it though so I kind of have to! But the book thing? That would be even harder! Hope it goes well x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. The book thing was hard but I see the point of doing it so it'll be fine, I hope ...

  3. Oh wow! How interesting...I can't wait to hear how you get on. Good luck x

  4. I remember doing this last year from September till Feb. Mine is a different reason but I really did stay away from social media the whole time. It feel good and I miss blogging the most. #wotw

    1. I think the social media is the one that will be hardest but the most beneficial.

  5. What an interesting project to do, and probably a good one very now and again to switch yourself off from social media. I didn't look at social media for a weekend (it was enforced, we were somewhere without any signal) and at first it was hard which then turned into liberation!
    Best of luck - look forward to popping across next week to see how you got on!

    1. Liberating is the right word for it Tracey. I'm really glad I committed to it now.

  6. Good luck - and yes, it would seem odd to not have a book on the go. Interested to hear how it goes :) #wotw

    1. I plan to make up for the missing book as soon as I can Steph! Watch this space for an update...
