Work With Me

Friday 25 March 2016

Word of the Week - Ready

For the past few weeks - or is it months? - I've been planning a 'book' that I hope to write. I've plotted what happens. I've fleshed out my characters. I've broken the story down into scenes. Everything that I could have done, is done. There's no planning left to do.

So I'm now ready. The time has come to write the thing. No more prevaricating, no more faffing around. The writing has to be done. It's a scary time yet also an exciting time. I have a fully formed story in my head and now the time to get that story out has arrived. I'm scared that I'll do what I usually do - write 10,000 words and dry up. That once again everything will grind to a halt. This is normal or so I've been told. This is comforting to a degree. However I have to go through it all for myself and that can be scary.

But I am ready and I've felt ready all week. So next week I start writing for real. I start putting all my planning to the test and see if I've really got it in me to be a writer.

I'm hoping that I have. 



  1. How exciting and utterly daunting at the same time! You are ready, you can do this - best of luck x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. You've summed it up perfectly, Jocelyn. I'm equally excited and terrified - should make for an interesting time ahead!

  2. Wishing you the best of luck with the book....

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes Kim. I may need some of that luck in a few weeks ...

  3. It sounds like you couldn't be much more ready if you tried! If you know what the beginning, middle and end is and you enjoy the writing process then it's a done deal isn't it? (Says someone who has never tried to write a book in her life but vaguely plans to 'one day' ;-) ) #wotw

    1. I do feel really ready - which is good as I'm usually winging it! And that way lays failure, if past efforts are anything to go by.

  4. oooh Good luck, how exciting! I've always wanted to write a book, I've had many a plot sorted out, but the actual writing has always evaded me. Maybe one day.

    1. If I can do it, anyone can, Anne. Mind you I've yet to do it so ...

  5. Goodluck with this! I hope that when you start the idea will just flow and flow freely =) #wotw
