Work With Me

Tuesday 8 March 2016

What I'm Writing - Plans are afoot...

I've been busy planning a story that I'm going to write. The subject was suggested by Maddy and comes out of a poem I wrote about a painted on smile. As I thought about what Maddy had said about there being a story behind the poem I realised that I could flesh out the character and delve into her story. And guess what? I could and I did!

For the first time since college I sat down and went through a thorough planning process. I'm a seat of the pants writer, boot up the laptop and see what pours out. This works for me with poems and short pieces of fiction on the blog but I soon realised that this wouldn't do for a longer piece of fiction. I'd soon lose the thread and start to waffle. Then I lose interest and the thing gets stuck on the hard drive with no end in sight. So I've done an extensive plan and am now padding out the character profiles ready to start writing.

I've also signed up to do Camp NaNoWriMo. I've never managed to succeed in November with NaNo but this time round you set your own word count - I've chosen 25,000 - and I hope this will get the story off to a flying start.

I'm also conscious that I've avoided the N word - no, not that one! - I can't seem to call this story a novel. Writing a novel is something other people do, people who are 'real' writers. I'm trying very hard to consider myself a 'real' writer - after all I write so I'm a writer, yes? So progress is slowly being made and I'm feeling more positive than I have for a long time. Let's hope it lasts, eh?


  1. It's really hard to use that word "writer" isn't it?

    Really interesting to read about your process. I'm not a great planner at all. But I have planned a 20,000 word thesis before so when I come to write my thing that begins with an n then it might just be possible!

    Good luck!

    1. Always sounds so grown up! And so unlike me...
      I'm still learning the process but so far, so good!

  2. 'Novel' sounds so intimidating. Say you're writing a 'book.' Doesn't that sound much more doable?

    1. I'm holding on to 'story' for now, it seems much more friendly somehow. Maybe when I get really stuck in I'll feel more like a writer and able to use the N word!

  3. It is hard to use the word writer, but you are a writer! Renee used the word novella in a chat about my ongoing 'short' story that I shared with The Prompt last week... I had deliberately avoided that word, so I know exactly where you're coming from with 'novel' :) It sounds like you are off to such a great start. I'm a panster too, so I think it's brilliant that you've managed to do so much planning!

    1. It's so scary nailing my colours to the mast! I'm starting to feel more confident with the labels, mostly thanks to some wonderful friends I've made in the digital world (including you of course, Sara!)

  4. Hooray! I'm so glad you're writing more about your painted on smile person! Chuffed that you've run with my suggestion :) I agree with Jenny - go for 'book' rather than 'novel' - less intimidating. And you're definitely a writer. Own it. (I do understand the hesitation though - I only recently gave myself the 'writer' label on FB but it felt really good!) Thanks for linking to #WhatImwriting and I'll 'see' you at Camp!

    1. Oh Maddy! You've been such a source of inspiration to me getting this thing off the ground. I'm looking forward to camping - so much to get done but for once I feel prepared. Famous last words!

  5. Exciting times! Good luck with your story, it sounds like you're in a really positive place with it all :) xx

    1. This is all so new to me, Sophie. I'm never usually this positive about anything and it'll take some time to get used to the feeling but here's hoping it's the start of something ...

  6. Good luck with the plan, I hope it works for you. You are a real writer!

    1. Cheers Emma! You know, I'm almost starting to believe it myself ...

  7. Gosh, well done! How lovely to have taken something that was just short and sweet and hopefully make it much more. Good Luck. x

  8. Well done for going for it. You ARE a writer, despite what you may think.
