Work With Me

Monday 28 March 2016

So what's it called?

All systems go on the 'book' but there's still a little blip.

The 'book' doesn't have a title. Now I don't know how much of a problem this is at this stage but someone asked me what it was called and I had to confess that there was no title yet.

So at what point does a 'book' get a title? How do you even know what it should be called? As a novice at these things I don't know how the title happens. Do most writers know at the start what their book will be called?

Now I refuse to let this blip derail me so I'm about to start the writing process and crack on. But it would be nice to know what this 'book' is called ...

Now the next two challenges are to stop putting quotation marks around the word 'book' and to finally say 'I'm a writer' out loud rather than in my head.  


  1. Don't know about anyone else but in my experience titles often emerge quite late on so I wouldn't worry about it. Also in my experience, non-writer friends often ask well meaning but actually quite unhelpful questions! Even if I knew the title early on in a project, I don't think I'd share it with anyone. Good luck.

    1. I'm so pleased that it's something I don't need to worry about yet!

  2. I think it's nice to have a working title (kind of makes it feel more real) but I've no idea how often that ends up being the real title. Call it Painted on Smile (since it was inspired by that poem, wasn't it?) and ditch all those quotation marks, go, Jo, go!

    1. I've taken your advice, as ever, but I'm hoping a better title appears soon!

  3. I have work in progress titles that change as the story changes. Sometimes they're just called the character's name for months until a pivotal event happens and it clicks.
    As for the quotation marks... Mine are all "novels". It'll come with time x
