Work With Me

Thursday 17 March 2016

Prose For Thought

I haven't got anything special to share this week so I thought I'd share something that I wrote while sitting at the gym. I'm not sure why I wrote it or what it's trying to be but here it is.

Flit lived, if it could be called living, in a tiny space behind a cupboard. The cupboard was in the kitchen, between the sink and an old wooded table. It was a small cupboard, pulled away from the wall to allow space for a sacking mattress and a single flour sack for a blanket. The kitchen was at the back of a large and prosperous convent somewhere in Oxfordshire. Flit had never been sure of the name of either the convent or the small village he caught glimpses of when he was sent on an errand  in the kitchen garden. He knew there was no point asking anyone about the village; such things were forbidden and would only get him a clip around the head. And he'd had enough of those in his time to know that if he could avoid them he should. Each night Flit crawled between the cupboard and the wall, pulled his flour sack from under the mattress, shook the mattress as best he could and tried to make it as comfortable as he could. Lying on the itchy straw he soon fell into an exhausted sleep, often without pulling the flour sack blanket over him. He slept deeply, hard and mostly dreamless. When he did dream it was usually about Lift.


  1. Interesting! Do you think there will be more to this - it certainly feels like the start of a story

    1. I think there is more to come with this one. It will have to wait though, other things are brewing up and are more advanced.

  2. Many people did (and still do) live in conditions like this. So sad.

    1. It certainly makes you grateful for what you have.

  3. I love that you wrote this whlst sitting at the gym. on a bike?

    1. Sadly not, Emma. In the coffee bar! I might try writing while cycling one day ...

  4. Love this, I want to know more about Flit and Lift (clever anagram use there!)... #prose4t

    1. The anagram names came first, Sara, then I fitted a narrative around them. They may have a life of their own one day.

  5. I love this and would definitely like to hear more behind this story (I agree with Sara on the anagrams :) ) Thank you for linking to Prose for Thought x

    1. Thanks Victoria. Keep watching I may have more ...
