Work With Me

Tuesday 23 February 2016

What I'm Writing - Inspiration

I'm trying to be more disciplined and 'professional' about my writing, looking at options for getting my words out into the big, bad world and seeing how they fair. But I'm struggling for inspiration.

I read blog posts and tweets where other writers chat about the progress of their novel; how they're cracking on with the first, second or final edit of their manuscript; how their characters are getting along; how they're struggling with a plot point. How does this make me feel? Well, I'm pleased for those who are muddling through a problem; delighted for those who are heading for the final hurdle; in awe of those who have already published. And I confess to feeling a little jealous of what they have achieved.

I've been keeping the writing muscles moving by using writing prompts but this isn't the same as having an extended piece of writing to get stuck into. I want to have an idea, some characters to wrestle with, a plot idea to flesh out but there's nothing. Nada. Zip.

Where will inspiration come from? I have no idea.
When will inspiration strike? Who can tell.
Will I ever find that idea? I certainly hope so!

Any ideas where I can look for inspiration? Under this cushion maybe ...  


  1. If you're writing lots of short pieces why not build from there? I bet there are characters you could flesh out. Like that poem about the painted on smile - what's the story there? It could be epic! Thanks for linking to #whatImWriting and I hope inspiration strikes soon x

    1. Actually, Maddy, that's a great idea! I think I may be able to flesh out the story behind the painted on smile - thanks for giving me the idea. Watch this space ...

  2. I find myself getting distracted by smaller stories along the way...almost as if the minor characters want their time in the limelight as well. Keep reading and dreaming and imagining...the story will come. If not, just keep writing small stories. I have had my story idea for the past 14 years and only now really developing via my blog! #WhatImWriting

    1. I'm more at home writing short things - but I've just started to plan a longer piece so watch this space!

  3. I would give the same advice as Madd, it is a good start.
    Good luck with finding inspiration! xx

    1. Maddy is full of good advice and this time I'm taking it! There are plans afoot ...

  4. You could sign up for the Camp Nanowrimo, as you set your own word targets and it's something to get you focused and knuckles down to business.

    1. I've tried Nanowrimo but so far the ideas have run out before the month is over. I'm starting to think I need to do more planning ...

  5. I'm sure you have lots of inspiration to draw on from experience Jo? Think of an event that was life changing and work around it. If a story should be told, it'll find its way out. Very best of luck xx

    1. But is the world ready for my mucky past?!? Seriously, I know what you mean, there must be something I've experienced that could be worked up into a story. Thanks for leaving a comment!

  6. It is so tough when your brain is empty. I find that if ever I sit around trying to be inspired my brain stays resolutely empty - when the ideas come they come from the most unexpected places. My first novel was inspired a couple of kids I used to teach (just spotted your bio - I used to teach English and Media too!), the second one by a dream, and the third by an inscription on a bench. So all pretty random. From those initial sparks it's down to brainstorming and character profiles and mapping out the plot - all the stuff I used to get the kids to do! It seems to work though... x

    1. Inspiration is such a slippery thing isn't it? I always feel really frustrated when it wanders off for a while but luckily, so far, it's always come back at some point!
