Work With Me

Thursday 18 February 2016

Prose For Thought - Using Writing Prompts

This week I have been using writing prompts from this excellent book, 642 Things To Write About. It has loads of ideas about things to write, all laid out with space to write in the book. I leaf through the book until something catches my eye and then I scribble away. I thought I'd use one of the prompts as my contribution to Prose For Thought this week.

The prompt I used was 'The cleaning lady' and here's what I came up with.

The cleaning lady slowly lifted the sheet and all the colour drained from her face. The blood stained face of her employer stared up at her, his piercing blue eyes coldly looking up at the ceiling. She'd never again crack a joke with him as she tidied the sitting room; she'd never again have to remind him to have a decent meal or he'd fade away; she'd never again blush and stammer as he handed her an extravagant bouquet for her birthday. Hot tears splashed onto the floor as she fumbled for her phone and began to dial 999.


  1. I have been recommended a book of writing prompts, and I have also been reading a general writing guide which also recommends writing 'little' bits. I have found it great when I think I haven't got anything to say and found that is not actually true. #prose4t

    1. I agree, staring at the page thinking 'I can't write anything!' then finding that I can when I use a prompt. Where did all my original ideas go? Did I ever have any? The joys of being a writer eh?

  2. Firstly that sounds like a fabulous book! Now I want to know more on the piece you have written!! That is such a complete and utter cliffhanger. I have questions!! Thank you for linking to Prose for Thought x

    1. I'm finding the book really helpful - great, interesting prompts and just a little space to write in so it never feels overwhelming. Now, should I write more to help you over that cliffhanger? Thanks for your supportive comments Victoria!

  3. A brilliant use of that prompt and what a great sounding book! :)

    1. It is a great book to dip into when inspiration fails to strike. Thanks for your kind comment about what I wrote.
