Work With Me

Friday 29 January 2016

Word of the Week - Courage

Now courage and me don't go hand in hand - I'm the girl who gets nauseous watching a filmed roller coaster ride! But this week I did something which, for me, was courageous.

I've long harboured dreams of calling myself a writer. Not just someone who scribbles in a variety of notebooks, taps away at a keyboard but never showing what I write to the world. This is huge, I know that but some dreams are, aren't they? I'm rather reticent to share my writing for a couple of reasons. This 'being a writer' lark is for other people, not people like me; ordinary, run-of-the-mill people, nothing special etc. etc. Also I worry that I'm not actually any good at writing, that I've been kidding myself all these years that there was a spark of talent hidden away just waiting to explode from the page.

A few weeks ago I set myself some writing challenges, one of which was to get my writing out there more. I enjoy sharing a little of what I write through linkies and it's nice to have some feedback on my work. Yet I'm still reluctant to share.

So this week I decided to bite the bullet and sent an entry to a writing competition! Gulp!

Now I don't think I'm going to win it but just sending my writing in was a victory for me. I'm now looking for other opportunities to submit work and trying to keep a handle on my growing excitement at having taken the plunge. So here's to being courageous, even if it goes against my natural inclinations!


  1. Congratulations! Winning isn't possible if you don't enter the race (and winning isn't important if you just like the run)

    1. The winning isn't the point for me at this stage of my writing journey. But it would be nice ... and I can dream! Thanks for popping over and leaving a comment.

  2. Good for you! Wishing you the best of luck!
    Be brave x

    1. Thanks Kim! I'm trying to be braver - not always easy though but so far so good.

  3. That is brilliant and courageous, well done, you! So pleased that you went for it, as I appreciate how hard that must be to do. Best of luck, and hope you find plenty of other opportunities to submit your work now x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. I'm also glad I went for it; pressing Send when I'd attached the story to the email was one of the hardest things I've done for ages! Now it's onwards and upwards, I hope ...

  4. Good for you! I'm so glad I've come across your blog because I've been meaning to enter some writing comps for ages and now that I've got a handle on my projects, I might well do just that... :)

    1. Thank you Carol and welcome to the madness of my blog! Taking the plunge is always the worst bit when it comes to entering writing competitions as far as I'm concerned so Good Luck when you take the plunge!

  5. How fab - well done for taking the leap. And who knows, one day you might just win - as they say, you have to be in it!! #wotw

    1. I harbour no illusions about winning but, as you say anything is possible...And there are so many other competitions to enter that one day my time may come.
